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Monday, December 7, 2009

Lesson 16: Proofreading Tips continued

Alright class! Here are some more proofreading tips. I hope that the ones I gave last time were helpful to you. If not, I hope that today's will be. Here they are:

1. Read your writing backwards, sentence by sentence: Doing this will help you catch grammar and mechanical mistakes. Also, if there are any awkward sentences, you'll notice it easier and be able to fix it. This will help you focus on your essay from a sentence-to-sentence level, so you won't focus on other things like content. At this point in fixing up your essay, you've probably read it through half a dozen times or more. You can get so used to the way it sounds, mistakes start to hide themselves. Reading your essay backwards will help with this problem.

2. Look for problematic words/mechanics/grammar: If you know you always mess up a certain grammar point, easily confused words, commas, semi-colons, or anything like that, now is the time to fix them! Check and double check everything you've previously had trouble with.

Well, this is all! Hope that this will help all of you improve your papers. I've included a YouTube video about proofreading tips given by a college professor. He gives some tips that I did not cover. Enjoy!



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