Lesson 8: Spell Check and Commonly Confused Words
Welcome back class! Today our lesson is on something that is pretty much common sense, but also a good thing to be reminded about. We all love spell check- it is very helpful when we are writing words we do not know how to spell, and when we type fast and make mistakes; spell check catches these for us. However, spell check is not perfect- it will tell you when you spell words incorrectly, but not when you use a wrong word, because it is spelled correctly.
When it comes to commonly confused words, spell check cannot help you. Here are come words that you should watch out for:
1. Then/than: Then deals with time, and than deals with comparisons. (I will go to the store, then pick you up. You are slower than Bob when you run.)
2. There/They're/Their: These words are common to all of us, but sometimes we mess them up when we type rapidly. Some examples: There you are! They're all pretty good. Their house is the first one on the right.
3. Here/Hear: Again, we all know the meaning of these words, but it is important to look at them carefully to make sure we used the right one, because spell check won't catch them for us. Examples: Here is where you'll hear the birds sing.
Well, you get the idea. Just remember to search out trouble words like these as you proofread your writing; don't expect spell check to do everything for you.
When it comes to commonly confused words, spell check cannot help you. Here are come words that you should watch out for:
1. Then/than: Then deals with time, and than deals with comparisons. (I will go to the store, then pick you up. You are slower than Bob when you run.)
2. There/They're/Their: These words are common to all of us, but sometimes we mess them up when we type rapidly. Some examples: There you are! They're all pretty good. Their house is the first one on the right.
3. Here/Hear: Again, we all know the meaning of these words, but it is important to look at them carefully to make sure we used the right one, because spell check won't catch them for us. Examples: Here is where you'll hear the birds sing.
Well, you get the idea. Just remember to search out trouble words like these as you proofread your writing; don't expect spell check to do everything for you.