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Loving being a mom and a wife and a Mormon. Life doesn't always go as you plan it, but it's a good thing, because God's plan always turn out better.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Introduction: Welcome to the Course!

Hello class! This is your teacher speaking; glad to have you join us today.

Now, whether you are studying English, physics, education or exercise sciences, knowing how to communicate effectively through writing is an important skill. Writing is one of the most valued skill in the work force, and second only to the technical skills required for the specific job.

Learning how to put your thoughts on paper will make you an asset to your future employers. They will save money through not having to hire professional writers (English Majors like me) to write for you. With the economy crisis, nearly everyone is on a tight budget; you would want to be as useful to your company as you can possibly be.

But before you can writing successfully in the work force, you have to be able do so at school. Everyone, regardless of their major, are required to take writing courses. But do not fret if writing has never been your thing. That's what I'm here for. Stayed tuned for tips on how to improve your writing.

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Blogger Matt Tang said...

I have found that it is important for a student to know how to write effectively for his or her audience. I'm a physics major actually, and my professors stress the importance of grant writing.

October 23, 2009 at 11:09 PM  

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